We are living in a historic moment. Together, Minnesotans and MNHS are capturing and sharing history in real time. Join us in creating conversations that lead to real connection, deeper reflection, new questions, and purposeful action.

Speak your truth on the uprising
How are you grappling with our society’s longstanding history of racial inequality? What do you think tomorrow’s Minnesotans need to understand about the anti-racism uprising and this moment?
This collecting initiative is in partnership with the Minnesota African American Heritage Museum and Gallery and Hallie Q Brown Community Center.

Stories from the COVID-19 health crisis
Since April, 2020, MNHS has collected and preserved Minnesotans’ stories related to the COVID-19 health crisis to help future generations better understand this pandemic and our collective experiences. We invite you to read a sampling of these stories.

Read messages from the heart
Browse heartfelt messages from History at Heart, an outdoor art installation designed to build connections in the absence of community.

Create a time capsule
Do a simple activity that invites individuals and families to reflect, converse, and document what they wish to remember about a moment that will one day be written about in history books.
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