The World that Grew From Stumps and Slash
2609 County Road 76
Grand Rapids, MN 55744
United States
Regular site admission
About This Event
This talk will begin with a description of the original old growth forests of northern Minnesota, including the power they held in the landscape and their influence on the indigenous people.
These forests attracted rapacious logging and mining at a time of extraordinary expansion in the United States, but that wasn't the end of the story. A new world grew from the stumps and slash piles of that era. This new world changed the forests and the people who lived in them, not always for the better, but often for good. We still live in this world, and can learn from the changes people endured before, because they will happen again.
Aaron J. Brown is an Iron Range author, media producer, and instructor at Minnesota North College in Hibbing, Minnesota. He's working on a book about Victor L. Power, the small town mayor who defied the world's biggest corporation to build a mining camp into a modern city.
- Lectures & Talks
Regular site admission