Willmar: What Comes to Your Mind?! Opening Reception
75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd
St. Paul, MN 55155
United States
About This Event
Born in Chile and now living in Willmar, MN, John Salgado Maldonado is an ARTivist, percussionist, and photographer. He uses art to contribute to social realities and community awareness, understanding that art is the component that gives meaning to life.
Willmar: What Comes to Your Mind?! is an exhibition that challenges society’s way of thinking about diversity and variety. It calls for self-reflection through a “cognitive dissonance.” This photography exhibition is an invitation to rediscover yourself, your values, beliefs, and actions.
Exhibit: Willmar: What Comes to Your Mind?!
Artist: John Salgado Maldonado
Location: 3rd Floor Exhibit Gallery at the Minnesota State Capitol
Exhibit dates: 5/9/24 - 10/31/24
Opening reception: 5/9/24 - 4-7 PM, 5:30 PM Opening Remarks
Gallery Hours: M-F: 8 AM- 5 PM, Sat: 10 AM- 3 PM, Sun: CLOSED
This activity is funded in part with a grant from the Southwest Minnesota Arts Council made possible by the voters of Minnesota, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.