Basket Making Demonstration Snake River Fur Post

Focused on Craft: Basket Making Demonstration


12551 Voyageur Lane
Pine City, MN 55063
United States

320-629-6356 |


Regular site admission

About This Event

During the 18th century, getting goods from around the world to the Snake River Fur Post required durable yet lightweight shipping containers. Come and watch as a very large wickerwork shipping container is woven from long, flexible willow rods called withies. This container is designed for carrying provisions and similar to ones commissioned by fur trading companies. The container will be woven by local basket weaver Jacki Bedworth.

Designed with a strong lid and locked with a padlock, this hamper has rounded ends to fit better in a canoe, and interior dividers to hold a half dozen glass "case" bottles secure and upright as well as other food supplies for a long voyage.

Event Type:
  • Lectures & Talks


Regular site admission