Stories by Lantern Light
3713 Split Rock Lighthouse Rd.
Two Harbors, MN 55616
United States
About This Event
Many people helped make Split Rock Lighthouse the place it is today. With tales of daring survival and perspectives that range decades, join us as figures of Split Rock’s history share what their lives were like through a unique twilight tour.
From the moments that proved vital to Split Rock’s function to what was important in their own lives, by the end of the night you will head away with stories that will expand your understanding of life on the rugged North Shore and this not-so-quiet lighthouse.
Visitors will be guided to several first-person interpretations of important persons to Split Rock Lighthouse’s story.
Doors open at 6:00 pm. First tour leaves at 6:30 pm. Last tour leaves at 8:00pm and finished around 8:40 pm.
Tours leave promptly. Please arrive 10 minutes early. Dress accordingly for the weather and bring a flashlight.
- Tours